<b>*Shortlisted for the 2020 Arthur Ross Book Award*<br><br>From America’s leading scholar of democracy, a personal, passionate call to action against the rising authoritarianism that challenges our world order—and the very value of liberty</b><br><br>Larry Diamond has made it his life''s work to secure democracy''s future by understanding its past and by advising dissidents fighting autocracy around the world. Deeply attuned to the cycles of democratic expansion and decay that determine the fates of nations, he watched with mounting unease as illiberal rulers rose in Hungary, Poland, Turkey, the Philippines, and beyond, while China and Russia grew increasingly bold and bullying. Then, with Trump''s election at home, the global retreat from freedom spread from democracy''s margins to its heart. <br><br><i>Ill Winds''</i> core argument is stark: the defense and advancement of democratic ideals relies on U.S. global leadership. If we do not reclaim our traditional place as th