<p><b>Bestselling author-illustrator Mies van Hout employs vivid creatures in a jewel-tone natural setting to explore the longing we all feel at times to be like somebody else. </b></p> <p>What child has not daydreamed about having wings like a butterfly? But secretly, the flashy butterfly yearns for a stick insect’s privacy. And the stick insect wants to swim like a whirligig beetle.</p> <p>One after the other, the denizens of bestselling author-illustrator <b>Mies van Hout</b>''s vibrant garden landscape wish to be like somebody else. From the glowing firefly to the capable spider to the adorable ladybugs, each one brings something to be admired. And when the dragonfly wishes to be like a child who can run, play, laugh, and build, a world of possibilities opens up.</p> <p>A gentle but effective story for social emotional learning, <i>If Only...</i> allows children to reach their own conclusions and acknowledge that while it’s common to