<b>NATIONAL BESTSELLER</b><BR><BR><b>A charmingly relatable and wise memoir-in-essays by acclaimed writer and bookseller Mary Laura Philpott, </b><b>“</b><b>the modern day reincarnation of</b><b>…</b><b>Nora Ephron, Erma Bombeck, Jean Kerr, and Laurie Colwin</b><b>—</b><b>all rolled into one</b><b>”</b><b>(<i>The Washington Post</i>), about what happened after she checked off all the boxes on a successful life</b><b>’</b><b>s to-do list and realized she might need to reinvent the list—</b><b>and herself. </b><BR><BR>Mary Laura Philpott thought she’d cracked the code: Always be right, and you’ll always be happy.<BR><BR>But once she’d completed her life’s to-do list (job, spouse, house, babies—check!), she found that instead of feeling content and successful, she felt anxious. Lost. Stuck in a daily grind of overflowing calendars, grueling small talk, and sprawling traffic. She’d done everything “right”