<b>A lyrical account of a childhood spent in a castle disguised as a psychiatric clinic, written by the daughter of Félix Guattari.</b><p>A moment later, Lacan is chattering with me, and giving me some crayons to draw with.<br>—from <i>I, Little Asylum</i></p><p>Founded in 1951 and renowned in the world of psychiatry, the experimental psychiatric clinic of La Borde sought to break with the traditional internment of the mentally ill and to have them participate in the material organization of collective life. The clinic owed much of its approach to psychoanalyst and philosopher Félix Guattari, who was its codirector with Jean Oury until 1992. In this lyrical chronicle of a childhood at La Borde, Félix Guattari''s daughter Emanuelle Guattari offers a series of impressionistic vignettes drawn from her own experiences. </p><p>As a child whose parents worked in the clinic, Emanuelle Guattari (“Manou”) experienced La Borde—which is housed in a castle in