<p><b>How you can learn to focus like a monk without living like one</b><br><br>Distraction isn¿t a new problem. We¿re also not the first to complain about how hard it is to concentrate. Early Christian monks beat us to it. They had given up everything to focus on God, yet they still struggled to keep the demons of distraction at bay. But rather than surrender to the meandering of their minds, they developed powerful strategies to improve their attention and engagement. <i>How to Focus</i> is an inviting collection of their strikingly relatable insights and advice¿frank, funny, sympathetic, and psychologically sophisticated.<br><br>This wisdom is drawn from John Cassian¿s fifth-century CE <i>Collationes, </i>one of the most influential manuals for monks from Late Antiquity. The <i>Collationes</i> follow Cassian and his friend Germanus as they travel around Egypt, asking a series of sage monks how they can make their minds stronger. In response, these monks offer a range of techniques f