<p>Having seized the throne from his cousin Richard II in 1399, Henry Bolingbroke, the first nobleman to be made king of England since the twelfth century, faced the remarkable challenge of securing his power and authority over a kingdom that was divided and in turmoil. This collection of essays - the first such collection focusing specifically on the reign of the first Lancastrian king - by some of the leading historians of late medieval England, takes a fresh look at the crucial but neglected first years of Henry IV's reign, examining how Henry met and overcame the challenges which his usurpation created. Topics covered include a reappraisal of the events surrounding the revolution of 1399; Henry's relations with his northern magnates; the Yorkshire rising of 1405; the "Long Parliament" of 1406 and the nature and purpose of the king's council. This collection adds significantly to an understanding of the character of Henry IV, as well as the circumstances in whi