<P><B>A collection of fresh, inspiring Prayers of the People that connect to the Sunday lectionary.</B></P><P>The needs of the church change from week to week, and the Prayers of the People should change with them. <I>Hear Our Prayer</I> features Prayers of the People that connect to the themes of the readings for each Sunday and principal feast in the Revised Common Lectionary. Originally crafted for the Subversive Undercroft podcast, hosted by Jon White and Lisa Graves, the prayers are contemporary, inclusive, and deeply relevant.</P><P>Based on the pattern for the Prayers of the People in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, the prayers in this volume retain the familiarity of liturgical tradition, while offering a call to action to congregations in the present. Suggestions for customizing each prayer for the needs of individual worshipping communities appear throughout the book, and a concluding section includes prayers that respond to current events such as natural disasters, mass shoo