<p>"<i>Greek Religion</i> . . . already has the standing of a classic, and the publication of an English version, which incorporates new material and is in effect a second edition, demands a toast . . . Anyone who pretends to survey Greek religion must be phenomenally learned. Burkert is. His book is a marvel of professional scholarship."</br> ? <b><i>London Review of Books</i></b><p>"This book has established itself as a masterpiece, packed with learning but also rich in ideas and connections of every sort. Its appearance in a good English translation is an event not only for Hellenists but for all those interested in the study of religion . . . nobody else could have produced an account of the subject of comparable range and power. This will be the best history of Greek religion for this generation."</br> ?<b><i> New York Review of Books</i></b><p>Cover illustration: detail from an Attic vase, 450 B.C., showing a victory sacrifice (The Mansell Collection).