Medical schools are rapidly adopting the popular style of Single Best Answers (SBAs), Best of Fives (BOFs) and Extended Matching Questions (EMQs). This unique and up-to-date book contains over 1000 clinically relevant questions, a selection of SBAs/BOFs an EMQs - the essential aid for every medical student. No need to spend time reading through several textbooks, everything you need is here in one place.<BR><BR>Questions are presented to include typical scenarios you will encounter as a Junior Doctor and covers the core curriculum subjects: Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Paediatrics. Since the first edition was published, <STRONG>Get Through Medical School</STRONG> has been a bestselling revision book for medical students. Retaining the classic question types - SBAs/BOFs and EMQs, this second edition benefits from a host of new questions and a great deal more explanatory information within the answers.<BR><BR>Written by Seema Khan MBBS MRCS MRCGP DRCOG,