Feel great, look good and live well with this simple home fitness and healthy eating plan!In GET FIT, GET HEALTHY. GET HAPPY, TV presenter, footballer and fitness coach Mark Wright introduces the Train Wright philosophy ¿ a simple formula for a healthy lifestyle: live well, eat healthily and train smart. Mark is a big fan of the home workout and firmly believes you can lose weight, keep fit and build strength without going to the gym. Healthy habits for life can begin with small changes ¿ getting enough sleep, eating nutritious but tasty meals at home, developing a positive attitude to wellness and building in short blasts of regular exercise.And the good news is, while it really will change your life, you won¿t have to make any drastic changes and you¿ll still be able to enjoy the things you love.The secret of the Train Wright lifestyle is balance.Train smart ¿ a simple six-week exercise plan you can do at homeEat healthily ¿ delicious meals you can prepare easilyLive well ¿ simple po