Get ahead! Specialties: 250 SBAs for Finals av Fiona (Leeds General Infirmary UK) Bach, Elizabeth Waddington, Peter (Leeds General Infirmary UK) Cartl



<P>Fully revised and updated, this new edition of <B>Get ahead! Specialties: 250 SBAs for Finals</B> is an invaluable practice aid for all medical students preparing for final exams. Written by an experienced team of authors under the guidance of Saran Shantikumar, series editor for all the Get ahead! titles, it covers the entire syllabus in a clear and comprehensive style. The book includes the key specialty areas in which students will be examined ¿ paediatrics, obstetrics, gynaecology and psychiatry. Candidates can work through the practice papers systematically or dip in and out of the book using the SBA index as a guide to where questions on a specific topic can be found.</P>

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