<p><b>In the wake of Brexit, Ian Morris chronicles the ten-thousand-year history of Britain''s relationship to Europe as it has changed in the context of a globalizing world.</b><br><br>When Britain voted to leave the European Union in 2016, the 48 percent who wanted to stay and the 52 percent who wanted to go each accused the other of stupidity, fraud, and treason. In reality, the Brexit debate merely reran a script written ten thousand years earlier, when the rising seas physically separated the British Isles from the European continent. Ever since, geography has been destiny¿yet it is humans who get to decide what that destiny means.<br><br>Ian Morris, the critically acclaimed author of <i>Why the West Rules¿for Now</i>, describes how technology and organization have steadily enlarged Britain¿s arena, and how its people have tried to turn this to their advantage. For the first seventy-five hundred years, the British were never more than bit players at the western edge of a European