<P>Providing a practical, thorough understanding of how factor analysis works,<STRONG> Foundations of Factor Analysis</STRONG><STRONG>, </STRONG><STRONG>Second Edition</STRONG> discusses the assumptions underlying the equations and procedures of this method. It also explains the options in commercial computer programs for performing factor analysis and structural equation modeling. This long-awaited edition takes into account the various developments that have occurred since the publication of the original edition.</P><P></P><P><STRONG>New to the Second Edition</STRONG></P><UL><P><LI>A new chapter on the multivariate normal distribution, its general properties, and the concept of maximum-likelihood estimation </LI><LI>More complete coverage of descriptive factor analysis and doublet factor analysis</LI><LI>A rewritten chapter on analytic oblique rotation that focuses on the gradient projection algorithm and its applications</LI><LI>Discussions on the developments of factor score indete