A breakthrough text in its first edition, this theory textbook is returning in its second edition. Publish for ODP students studying at degree level, the text maps neatly onto the ODP degree curriculum. Written by experts from the ODP profession the book covers the core theoretical and professional components of the ODP curriculum, including chapters on:<br/>¿<span></span>Professionalism<br/>¿<span></span>Law<br/>¿<span></span>Ethics<br/>¿<span></span>Reflective practice<br/>¿<span></span>Decision making<br/>¿<span></span>Psychosocial aspects of care<br/>¿<span></span>Research and evidence-based practice<br/><br><br/>The second edition returns to provides a much-needed update to this specific introduction to the theoretical subjects identified within the current pre-registration qualification, aiming to highlight the importance of these key areas that are at the foundations of practice. Many ODP students and ODP clinicians currently struggle to link abstract theories (e.g. interprofess