<B>Filled with rare images and untold stories from filmmakers, exhibitors, and moviegoers, <I>Forbidden Hollywood</I> is the ultimate guide to a gloriously entertaining era when a lax code of censorship let sin rule the movies.</B><BR/><BR/><I>Forbidden Hollywood</I> is a history of "pre-Code" like none other you will eavesdrop on production conferences, read nervous telegrams from executives to censors, and hear Americans argue about "immoral" movies. </a>You will see decisions artfully wrought, so as to fool some of the people long enough to get films into theaters. You will read what theater managers thought of such craftiness, and hear from fans as they applauded creativity or condemned crassness. You will see how these films caused a grass-roots movement to gain control of Hollywood-and why they were "forbidden" for fifty years.<BR/><BR/> The book spotlights the twenty-two films that led to the strict new Code of 1934, including <I>Red-Headed Woma