A fresh new feel for this international best-selling guide to how the Hay diet (food combining) can improve health and vitality. With over one million copies sold worldwide, this is the ultimate guide to the health benefits of food combining from two of the most respected authors in the field, freshened up to attract a new, contemporary audience.A fresh new cover design, more modern look and updated text bring this classic guide to food combining up to date for the 21st century.This is THE classic guide to the health benefits of the Hay Diet, or food combining, from Doris Grant, a pioneer for the Hay Diet in the UK. The diet works by keeping starch foods separate from protein foods in the daily diet so foods can be digested more easily and general health is improved.This informative guide gives you an in-depth look at the wide range of health problems that food combining has been found to alleviate, including ¿ digestive disorders such as IBS and indigestion ¿ obesity ¿ ulcers ¿ arthri