<p><strong>Whether you want </strong><strong>to visit Cape Cod''s beaches, eat lobster in Maine, or ski in Vermont, the local Fodor''s travel experts in New England are here to help! </strong><strong><em>Fodor''s New England</em></strong><strong> guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. </strong>This new edition has been <strong>fully-redesigned</strong> with an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos.</p><p><em>Fodor''s New England </em>travel guide includes:</p><ul><li><strong>AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE</strong> to the top things to see and do</li><li><strong>MULTIPLE ITINERARIES</strong> to effectively organize your days and maximize your time</li><li><strong>MORE THAN 40 DETAILED MAPS </strong>to help you navigate confidently</li><li><strong>COLOR PHOTOS </strong>throughout to spark your wanderlust!</li><li><strong>HO