<b>The definitive guide to the clinical and scientific aspects of pulmonary medicine¿fully updated with the latest advances in the field</b><br><br><i>Fishman¿s Pulmonary Diseases and Disorders</i> delivers unparalleled coverage of pulmonary medicine. With 2,000+ photos and illustrations, 60 videos, and 18,000 references, this peerless two-volume resource provides a comprehensive overview of the scientific basis of lung function in healthy people and in those with disease. <br><br>You¿ll find detailed coverage of the broad array of diseases and disorders affecting the respiratory system, including obstructive and restrictive diseases, pulmonary vascular disorders, sleep-disordered breathing, lung neoplasms, respiratory infections, and respiratory failure. And you¿ll learn all the latest advances, including molecular development of the lung, stem cells and respiratory disease, genetics of pulmonary disease and the growth of personalized medicine, technical advances in lung transpla