<p><b>Master all the high-yield information required to pass the pediatrics clerkship and the shelf exam</b></p><p><i>First Aid for the Pediatrics Clerkship</i> is the all-in-one content resource for acing the pediatrics rotation and shelf exam. This popular guide has been heavily revised with a new and updated focus on the most salient high-yield facts, along with clear background information where needed. Content has been streamlined to include only the most important facts to help you focus on¿and learn¿critical information.</p><ul><li>More than 100 supporting photos and illustrations</li><li>New chapters on adolescent medicine and oncology</li><li>Content has been thoroughly revised and updated, with notable changes made to the following content areas: newborn, emergency medicine and psychiatry</li><li>New illustrations, flow charts, and other visuals</li><li>Mini-cases begin discussions on major disorders to lay a clinical foundation to the presentation</li><li>Special features in