<h2><b>Take Control of Your Startup―and Watch it Grow</b><br></h2><p>“This book delivers clear thinking for entrepreneurs who want to control their own destiny and grow their business without the need for venture capital.” −Joel Cannon, co-founder and president of Cannon Technologies<br></p><p><b>An analysis of success.</b>  Award-winning professor of entrepreneurship Dileep Rao presents readers with a detailed guide to success through his interviews and analysis of billion-dollar entrepreneurs (those who built a venture from startup to more than $1 billion in sales and valuation) and 100 million-dollar entrepreneurs (startup to $100 million).</p><p><b>Build your business without venture capital (VC) funding.</b>  Rao is here to show entrepreneurs that it is possible to start a business without outside help. He shares how more than 90 percent of America’s billion-dollar entrepreneurs in the VC era (since 1946) avoided or delayed VC, and instead u