<b>The emergence of a geopolitical war scenario, establishing a form of global governance that utilizes methods of surveillance and control.</b><p>In times of war the law is silent.<br>—from <i>Field of Battl</i>e</p><p><i>Field of Battle</i> presents the world today as nothing less than a war in progress, with Mexico an illustrative microcosm of the developing geopolitical scenario: a battlefield in which violence, drug trafficking, and organized crime—as well as the alegal state that works alongside all of this in the guise of fighting against it—hold sway. The rule of law has been replaced by the dominance of alegality and the rise of the “a-state.”</p><p>This war scenario is establishing a form of global governance that utilizes methods of surveillance and control developed by the United States government and enforced through its global network of military bases and the multinational corporations that work in synergy with its espionage agencies. Geopol