Faust's Anesthesiology Review



Authored by current and former physicians at the Mayo Clinic, Faust''s Anesthesiology Review, 6th Edition, is an invaluable review source for success on exams and in practice. It covers a broad range of important and timely topics in a succinct, easy-to-read format, providing the essential information you need to master the latest advances, procedures, guidelines, and protocols in anesthesiology.<ul><li><p>Provides in-depth, yet succinct clinical synopses of all topic areas found on the ABA/ASA exam, with the perfect amount of information to ensure exam success. </p></li><li><p>Contains five new chapters: Principles of Preoperative Evaluation; Anesthesia for Patients who are Lactating; Peripheral Nerve Blocks of the Anterior Trunk; Sustainability in Anesthesiology and the Operating Room; and Anesthesia During a Pandemic. </p></li><li><p>Covers the core knowledge needed to succeed in today''s anesthesiology practice, including awake craniotomy, non-OR anesthesia (NORA), neuromodulation,

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