<p>The day that Hilary and David have been waiting for has finally arrived and as the church bells ring out for the arrival of the bride, everyone''s fingers are crossed for the day to go without a hitch. The festivities set the tone for the year ahead and there''s more love in the air in Burracombe as planning continues for both Dottie and Joe''s and Frances and James''s nuptials. There''s nothing like a wedding to bring the village together.<br><br>Times are changing in Burracombe and as young and old embark on new adventures it''s time to say goodbye. But with friends like these, a goodbye is rarely for ever, so instead we''ll say a very fond farewell.<br><br>Return to Burracombe in Lilian''s next book, <i>A Child in Burracombe</i>, a prequel to the series that will show you where it all began...</p>