<DIV><B>Learn from the wisdom of the ancients with this practical workbook filled with more than 100 unique writing prompts and exercises, plus inspirational quotes.</B><br><br>“We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can choose how we react to them.” This timeless wisdom by Roman philosopher Epictetus is just as relevant today as it was when he recorded it over 2,000 years ago. In <I>Everyday Stoicism Journal</I>, you’ll learn how to apply ancient insight like this to modern life through writing and reflection. This accessible introduction to Stoicism introduces this school of philosophy’s major tenets, including:<br><br><ul><li>Practicing acceptance</li><li>Mastering your emotions</li><li>Mastering your thoughts</li><li>Living in gratitude</li><li>Cultivating wisdom</li></ul><B><br></B>Using writing prompts and exercises, you’ll develop skills for living what the Stoics called a virtuous and well-lived life. With daily attention to developing