<P>Public and academic debate about ''porn culture'' is proliferating. Ironically, what is often lost in these debates is a sense of what is specific about pornography. By focusing on pornography''s mainstream - contemporary commercial products for a heterosexual male audience - <EM>Everyday Pornography</EM> offers the opportunity to reconsider what it is that makes pornography a specific form of industrial practice and genre of representation. </P><P></P><P><EM>Everyday Pornography</EM> presents original work from scholars from a range of academic disciplines (Media Studies, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Women''s Studies, Political Science), introducing new methodologies and approaches whilst reflecting on the ongoing value of older approaches. Among the topics explored are: </P><UL><P><LI>the porn industry''s marketing practices (spam emails, reviews) and online organisation</LI><P></P><P><LI>commercial sex in Second Life</LI><P></P><P><LI>the pornographic narratives of phone sex and a