<P><STRONG><U>¿Choice Outstanding Title¿</U></STRONG></P><P>Authored by world-leading physicists, this introductory textbook explores the basic principles of polymers, colloids, liquid crystals, wetting, and foams. It is a practical ¿toolbox¿ for readers to acquire basic knowledge in the field and facilitate further reading and advanced courses. Undergraduate students in physics, biology, and the medical sciences will learn the basics of soft matter physics, in addition to scaling approaches in the spirit of the Nobel prize laureate in physics in 1991, Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, the inventor of soft matter physics and close collaborator to author Fran¿se Brochard-Wyart. </P><P><STRONG>Features:</STRONG></P><UL><LI>Accessible and compact approach</LI><LI>Contains interesting examples from everyday life (including the Paris Metro, a water spider, a gecko, and duck feathers)</LI><LI>Accompanied by additional exercises to enhance understanding available for download from the CRC Pr