<P>Demands on the construction industry are changing, and it is now virtually essential for environmental management to be considered at all stages of a project. Many construction managers are finding a quantitative approach useful, and this book outlines four quantitative methods which can be applied at different construction stages, and which fit within a comprehensive framework of dynamic Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). These include:</P><UL><LI>a method to quantitatively evaluate and reduce pollution and hazards levels</LI><LI>a method to evaluate the environmental-consciousness of proposed construction plans </LI><LI>a method to reduce on-site construction wastes through an incentive reward programme</LI><LI>a method to promote C and D waste exchange in the local construction industry. </LI></UL><P>With an experimental case study of the application of these methods, this book delivers a comprehensive review of environmental management issues in construction. With regulatory