<P>Emerging technologies in wastewater treatment plant is an ecological, profitable and natural technology designed to eliminate heavy metals, radionuclides, xenobiotic compounds, organic waste, pesticides, etc. from contaminated sites or industrial downloads through biological means. Since this technology is used in conditions on site, it does not physically disturb the site unlike conventional methods, that is, chemical or mechanical methods. In this technology, higher plants or microbes are used alone or in combination for the phytoextraction of heavy metals from sites contaminated with metals. Through microbial interventions, metals are immobilized or mobilized through redox conversions in contaminated sites. If they are mobilized, accumulating metal plants are placed to accumulate metals in their bodies. Next, metal-loaded plants are collected and recycled to reduce the volume of waste and then, disposed of as hazardous materials or used for the recovery of precious metals, if pos