<p>This textbook for courses in Embedded Systems introduces students to necessary concepts, through a hands-on approach.</p><p>LEARN BY EXAMPLE ¿ This book is designed to teach the material the way it is learned, through example. Every concept is supported by numerous programming examples that provide the reader with a step-by-step explanation for how and why the computer is doing what it is doing.</p><p>LEARN BY DOING ¿ This book targets the Texas Instruments MSP430 microcontroller. This platform is a widely popular, low-cost embedded system that is used to illustrate each concept in the book. The book is designed for a reader that is at their computer with an <i>MSP430FR2355 LaunchPad<sup>TM</sup> Development Kit</i> plugged in so that each example can be coded and run as they learn.</p><p>LEARN BOTH ASSEMBLY AND C ¿ The book teaches the basic operation of an embedded computer using assembly language so that the computer operation can be explored at a low-level. Once more complicated