<P>"I highly recommend Mr. Hobbs'' book." - Stephen Thomas, PE, Founder and Editor of FunctionalSafetyEngineer.com </P><br/><br/><P>Safety-critical devices, whether medical, automotive, or industrial, are increasingly dependent on the correct operation of sophisticated software. Many standards have appeared in the last decade on how such systems should be designed and built. Developers, who previously only had to know how to program devices for their industry, must now understand remarkably esoteric development practices and be prepared to justify their work to external auditors. <BR><BR><B>Embedded Software Development for Safety-Critical Systems</B> discusses the development of safety-critical systems under the following standards: IEC 61508; ISO 26262; EN 50128; and IEC 62304. It details the advantages and disadvantages of many architectural and design practices recommended in the standards, ranging from replication and diversification, through anomaly detection to the so-called "sa