<b>A first-hand chronicle of Wolseley¿s expedition to end Riel¿s Red River Rebellion by a remarkable trio embedded on the mission.</b><br/><br/>In the spring of 1870, two reporters set off from Toronto to cover one of the biggest stories in Canadian history: Colonel Garnet Wolseley¿s 1870 expedition to Red River. Over the course of six months, the <i>Daily Telegraph</i>¿s Robert Cunningham and the <i>Globe</i>¿s Molyneux St. John brought readers along as they paddled and portaged alongside the expedition¿s 1,100 troops and 400 voyageurs and guides from the shores of Lake Superior to Fort Garry.<br/><br/>But that¿s not the whole story. Buried well below the fold was the fact that St. John¿s wife ¿ international burlesque star Kate Ranoe ¿ accompanied him and the expedition, and not just as an adventurer. Owing to an accident early on, Ranoe ended up ghostwriting many of St. John¿s stories. <br/><br/><i>Embedded</i> is the remarkable story of two reporters and one extraordinary woman as