<p><strong><em>¿What a treat. An all-star cast with one thing in common: they worked with David Wood. And just for us he¿s brought them to life again ¿ and so vividly ¿ in this irresistible memoir of his ¿brushes with Hollywood''." </em>Gyles Brandreth</strong></p><p>In this memoir, actor and writer David Wood recalls his ¿brushes with Hollywood¿, notably being kissed on the lips by <strong>Elizabeth Taylor</strong> as midnight struck on his 22<sup>nd</sup> birthday; playing <strong>Richard Burton</strong>¿s servant on stage in <strong><em>Dr Faustus</em></strong>; being seduced by <strong>Shelley Winters</strong> in <strong><em>The Vamp</em></strong>, a television two-hander play; hanging upside down from a chandelier and being rescued by <strong>David Hemmings</strong> in the West End musical <strong><em>Jeeves</em></strong>; singing songs and being shot down in flames as a Royal Flying Corps officer in the film <strong><em>Aces High</em></strong>, in which he was reunited with <st