<P><STRONG><EM>Electric Aircraft Dynamics: A Systems Engineering Approach</EM></STRONG> surveys engineering sciences that underpin the dynamics, control, monitoring, and design of electric propulsion systems for aircraft. It is structured to appeal to readers with a science and engineering background and is modular in format. The closely linked chapters present descriptive material and relevant mathematical modeling techniques. Taken as a whole, this ground-breaking text equips professional and student readers with a solid foundation for advanced work in this emerging field.</P><B><P>Key Features:</P><UL></B><P><LI>Provides the first systems-based overview of this emerging aerospace technology </LI><P></P><P><LI>Surveys low-weight battery technologies and their use in electric aircraft propulsion </LI><P></P><P><LI>Explores the design and use of plasma actuation for boundary layer and flow control </LI><P></P><P><LI>Considers the integrated design of electric motor-driven propellers </