This new edition of <i>Ecofeminism: Feminist Intersections with Other Animals and the Earth</i> begins with an historical, grounding overview that situates ecofeminist theory and activism within the larger field of ecocriticism and provides a timeline for important publications and events. Throughout the book, authors engage with intersections of gender, sexuality, gender expression, race, disability, and species to address the various ways that sexism, heteronormativity, racism, colonialism, and ableism are informed by and support animal oppression. This collection is broken down into three separate sections:¿<i>Affect</i> includes contributions from leading theorists and activists on how our emotions and embodiment can and must inform our relationships with the more-than-human world¿<i>Context</i> explores the complexities of appreciating difference and the possibilities of living less violently¿<i>Climate</i>, new to the second edition, provides an overview of our climate crisis as