<P>In <I>Ebla </I>, Paolo Matthiae presents the results of 47 years of excavations at this fascinating site, providing a detailed account of Ebla¿s history and archaeology.</P><P>Ebla grew from a small Early Bronze Age settlement into an important trading and political centre, which endured until its final destruction in c. 1600 BC . The destruction of its royal palace c. 2300 BC was particularly significant as it preserved the city¿s rich archives, offering a wealth of information on its history, economy, religion, administration, and daily life. The discovery of Ebla is a pivotal moment in the history of archaeological investigations of the twentieth century, and this book is the result of all the excavation campaigns at Tell Mardikh- Ebla from 1964 until 2010, when field operations stopped due to the war in Syria.</P><P>Available for the first time in English, <I>Ebla </I>offers a complete account of one of the largest pre-classical urban centres by its discoverer, making it an esse