<P><EM>Effectively Calculate the Pressures of Soil</EM></P><P></P><P>When it comes to designing and constructing retaining structures that are safe and durable, understanding the interaction between soil and structure is at the foundation of it all. Laying down the groundwork for the non-specialists looking to gain an understanding of the background and issues surrounding geotechnical engineering, Earth <STRONG>Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures, Third Edition</STRONG> introduces the mechanisms of earth pressure, and explains the design requirements for retaining structures. This text makes clear the uncertainty of parameter and partial factor issues that underpin recent codes. It then goes on to explain the principles of the geotechnical design of gravity walls, embedded walls, and composite structures. </P><P></P><STRONG><P>What¿s New in the Third Edition:</P></STRONG><P></P><P>The first half of the book brings together and describes possible interactions between the ground and