The energy center known in Sanskrit as muladhara is called the root chakra. It is located in a layer of our subtle body called pranamaya kosha, at the base of our spine in the tailbone area. The root chakra is our connection to the earth and to humanity at large. When this chakra is closed, muddied, and unhealthy, we experience fear, timidity, worry, doubt, anger, frustration, panic, self-loathing, survival mode, and defensiveness, and we manifest unhealthy habits, addictions, narcissism, aggressive behaviour, bullying, and a sense of entitlement or victimhood.EARTH ENERGY MEDITATIONS provides an answer to these maladies. It helps us reconnect with the earth and primal energies with powerful, easy-to-use methods of guided meditation, affirmation, visualization, breathing, and physical movements. By practicing these techniques, we can reap the benefits of an open, clear, and healthy root chakra. We can return to a sense of stability, security, protection, and centered well-being. We can