Following the highly acclaimed Kottas on Dressage, this book offers advice on the correct way to introduce work on the paces, exercises and movements, together with in-depth analysis of common problems and the ways to correct them.The author makes the points that many errors, so easily attributed to the horse, are rooted in faulty posture or aiding on the rider''s part, and emphasises throughout the importance of focusing on these issues at all stages of training. Constant emphasis is also placed on the need to be mindful of the horse''s mental and physical ability to copy with what is being asked of him ¿ there are reminders throughout that, often, the best way to achieve progress is to take a step back and ensure the building blocks are in place that will facilitate the next step forward. The need to consider various aspects of conformation is also stressed ¿ not all horses are perfect specimens, and the overall training of any horse will be enhanced if due consideration is given to