<p>Chapter 1 (Installing Python) </p><p>Different ways to install Python:</p><p>¿ Compiling from source</p><p>¿ OS packages</p><p>¿ pyenv</p><p> </p><p><b>Chapter 2 (Packaging) (31 pages - 11 new pages)</b></p><p>How pip works and how to build packages.</p><p>The following sections need to change</p><p>Section about pip (adds 4 pages)</p><p>¿ Add explanation about how the resolver works</p><p>¿ Explain pip-compile</p><p>Poetry and pipenv (changes 2 pages, adds 2 pages)</p><p>¿ Needs to be separated into two sections</p>¿ Poetry section updated to reflect changes in Poetry<p></p><p>¿ Pipenv section updated to reflect changes in Pipenv</p><p>4setup.py and wheel (rewritten, changes 1 page, adds 2 pages)</p><p>¿ python -m build and setup.cfg</p><p>¿ Add details about binary wheels and manylinux</p><p>¿ Show a complete example</p><p> </p><p>Chapter 3: Interactive usage </p><p>How to use the interactive interpreter, other text-mode interactive consoles, and Jupyter.</p><p> </p