Design Unbound av Ann M. Pendleton-Jullian, John Seely Brown



<b>Tools for navigating today''s hyper-connected, rapidly changing, and radically contingent white water world.</b><p><i>Design Unbound</i> presents a new tool set for having agency in the twenty-first century, in what the authors characterize as a white water world—rapidly changing, hyperconnected, and radically contingent. These are the tools of a new kind of practice that is the offspring of complexity science, which gives us a new lens through which to view the world as entangled and emerging, and architecture, which is about designing contexts. In such a practice, design, unbound from its material thingness, is set free to design contexts as complex systems.</p><p>In a world where causality is systemic, entangled, in flux, and often elusive, we cannot design for absolute outcomes. Instead, we need to design for emergence. <i>Design Unbound</i> not only makes this case through theory but also presents a set of tools to do so. With case studies that range from a new kind of un

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