<p><b>Explore the impact diet and lifestyle can have on fertility, and boost your chances of conception with over 60 delicious recipes.</b><br><br>While some people looking to conceive can become pregnant quickly, this is not the case for all. In fact, just over 15 per cent of people trying for a baby will take longer than a year trying to conceive - a statistic that immediately puts them into a bracket labelled "infertile". In the UK, fertility problems affect 1 in 7 heterosexual couples and in around 40 per cent of those cases it''s a fertility issue for both partners. While there can be a variety of reasons for this, there are lifestyle choices - predominantly dietary - that people can make that increase the chance of conception. <br><br>Ro Huntriss breaks down the science behind the effect nutrition can have on fertility. Split into two halves, the first chapter offers the science and research behind the dietary choices being advocated, while the second chapter includes over 60 ins