<P><EM>Debates in Geography Education</EM> encourages early career teachers, experienced teachers and teacher educators to engage with and reflect on key issues, concepts and debates. It aims to enable readers to reach their own informed judgements with deeper theoretical knowledge and understanding.</P><P>The second edition is fully updated in light of the latest research, policy and practice in the field, as well as key changes to the curriculum and examination specifications. Expert contributors provide a range of perspectives on international, historical and policy contexts in order to deepen our understanding of significant debates in geography education. </P><P>Key debates include:</P><UL><P><LI>geography''s identity as an academic discipline;</LI><P></P><P><LI>what constitutes knowledge in geography;</LI><P></P><P><LI>places and regional geography;</LI><P></P><P><LI>what it means to think geographically; </LI><P></P><P><LI>constructing the curriculum;</LI><P></P><P><LI>how we li