<i>Dare to Make History</i> is the story of two courageous and talented women who weren¿t willing to accept anything less than being treated as equals. On their journey to a gold medal in women¿s ice hockey, they became role models for generations before and after them.<br><br>Twins Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson and Monique Lamoureux-Morando started playing ice hockey with their four older brothers and their friends on a frozen pond next to their home in North Dakota. No girls hockey teams, no problem?they just played on boys teams. <br><br>They went on to win six World Championships and played in three Olympics, winning two silver medals and ultimately a gold medal in South Korea in 2018 for the USA Women¿s National Team. <br><br>They did not allow roadblocks and discrimination deter them from taking on their governing body¿USA Hockey¿threatening to boycott the 2017 World Championships and jeopardizing their ability to compete in the 2018 Olympics unless their gender equity issues were