<P>This collection systematically approaches the concept of Czechoslovakism and its historical progression, covering the time span from the mid-nineteenth century to Czechoslovakia¿s dissolution in 1992/1993, while also providing the most recent research on the subject. </P><P></P><P>"Czechoslovakism" was a foundational concept of the interwar Czechoslovak Republic and it remained an important ideological, political and cultural phenomenon throughout the twentieth century. As such, it is one of the most controversial terms in Czech, Slovak and Central European history. While Czechoslovakism was perceived by some as an effort to assert Czech domination in Slovakia, for others it represented a symbol of the struggle for the Republic¿s survival during the interwar and Second World War periods. The authors take care to analyze Czechoslovakism¿s various emotional connotations, however their primary objective is to consider Czechoslovakism as an important historical concept and follow its ch