<p>Concise yet comprehensive, <i>Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates</i> is a <b>practical guide to the diagnostic interpretation of virtually any cytological specimen</b> you may encounter. This highly useful bench manual covers all organ systems and situations in which cytology is used, including gynecologic, non-gynecologic, and FNA samples, with an in-depth differential diagnosis discussion for all major entities. As with previous editions, the revised 5th Edition <b>focuses on practical issues in diagnosis and the use of cytology in clinical care</b>, making it ideal for both trainee and practicing pathologists<i>.</p></i><ul><li>Uses <b>easy-to-read, bulleted text</b> to provide a quick review of key differential diagnoses, indications and methods, cytomorphologic features, clinical pearls, and tissue acquisition protocols for specific entities.</li><p><li>Includes <b>coverage of patient management</b> in discussions of pertinent clinical features and emphasiz