<p>Learn the unique art of crosshatching and create stunning works of art with expert guidance from August Lamm. <br><br><i>How to Crosshatch in Pen & Ink</i> begins with a potted history of the artform, and elucidates exactly what crosshatching entails, and where it came from. After a helpful exploration of the materials and media that a crosshatcher may need, there then begins a practical guide to the very basics of crosshatching, approaching concepts such as how to look accurately, and how to depict light, shape, and shadow.<br><br>Once readers have the essentials under their belt, there are more complicated subjects such as anatomy, portraiture and still lifes to tackle. For each topic, August uses a combination of fine art examples, illustrations and step-by-step tutorials to take the reader through the fascinating and accessible process of crosshatching, from perception to execution. <br><br>This is the essential, comprehensive guide to this fascinating artform, and will appeal t