<P>Following in the footsteps of its bestselling predecessor, Kevin J. Duggan, an executive mentor and recognized authority on Lean and Operational Excellence, draws on more than 10 years of experience and learning to provide <STRONG>Creating Mixed Model Value Streams, Second Edition. </STRONG>This second edition takes a step-by-step approach to implementing Lean in complex environments and describes which Lean techniques to use when faced with difficult situations¿including high product mix, scheduling problems, shared resources, and unstable customer demand. In addition to a new section on handling shared resources to support mixed model production, the second edition: </P><P></P><UL><P><LI>Contains updates to sections on mixed model value streams</LI><LI>Introduces new information on constructing product family matrices </LI><LI>Expands on the concept of <EM>takt</EM> in mixed models </LI><LI>Provides additional insights on existing mixed model concepts, such as determining product