<p><b>First published in 1929, <i>Cradle of the Deep</i> was the bestselling book that became ascandal!</b></p><p><span>In 1923, Joan Lowell was an aspiring writerand rising silent film star in Hollywood. Young, beautiful, and talented, shewas adored by all. Then she published her autobiography in 1929: a rip-roaringmemoir of a young girl growing up on a schooner with her hearty sea captainfather and a crew of salty sailors and the incredible and death-defyingadventures she had traveling the world.</span><br></p><p><span><i>Except¿none of it was true!</i></span></p><p><span>Born in 1902 in Berkeley, California as HelenWagner to a middle-class family. Yes, her father was a Pacific Ocean merchantschooner captain. And yes, he took Joan¿and her mother¿on a 15-month sailingadventure when she was a girl. After knocking around odd jobs in San Francisco,young Helen moved to Los Angeles to take acting lessons and began