<p>Jesus introduced healing into the Judaism of his day, and for the Church''s first three hundred years, healing was an important spiritual practice. In <i>Contemplative Healing</i>, author <b>Francis Geddes</b> describes healing prayer''s importance and recommends congregations renew this ancient Christian practice.</p><p>Geddes presents an overview of Christian healing for the church and beyond. It addresses society''s need for loving connection with one another and the source of our being within a broad Christian context. <i>Contemplative Healing</i> demonstrates the following essential points:</p><p><center> Everyone can be a healer<br>Science and healing need not be at odds.<br>Jesus introduced healing as a transforming spiritual practice.<br>Healing is grounded in love.</center></p><p><i>Contemplative Healing</i> communicates how the loving spirit of God and Christ function in a community by alleviating pain and bringing wholeness.</p><p><i><center>Praise for</i> CONTEMPLATIVE H