<P>Applications of composite materials and composite coatings have been increasing in the field of automobile and aerospace industries due to the versatility in their properties. Present book comprehensively reviews the composite materials and coatings with a focus on the mechanical and tribology applications. It covers type of fibres (natural and synthetic), reinforcements and their selection, matrix, and technologies used to produce composite materials. Various sections cover basics and associated failures of composites, strengthening mechanisms and background theories, composite manufacturing technologies, mechanical and tribology properties of past and currently used composites.</P><P></P><P>Features:- </P><UL><P><LI>Covers different types of fibers, reinforcements, matrix, and technologies used to produce composite materials.</LI><P></P><P><LI>Details the tribology behavior of different novel composite coatings fabricated using different coating techniques.</LI><P></P><P><LI>Revie